Get In Touch: Discover How READ Can Support Your Child’s Learning Journey

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  • Determining whether your child needs a reading tutor can be based on several key indicators. Is your child avoiding reading activities or showing frustration during reading time? This could be a sign they are struggling and could benefit from extra support. Pay attention to their reading and comprehension skills. If your child frequently misreads words, has difficulty understanding what they've read, or struggles with phonemic awareness (the ability to hear, identify, and manipulate phonemes), these are signs they may need a reading tutor.

    Another indicator is their performance in school. If teachers have expressed concerns about your child's reading abilities or if they're lagging behind their grade-level expectations in reading, we can provide the necessary support to catch up.

    Lastly, consider your child's confidence and attitude towards learning. If they are showing signs of low self-esteem related to their academic abilities, allow us to help improve their reading skills, but also boost their confidence!

  • Individualized reading tutoring offers distinct advantages over small group sessions. It provides personalized attention, allowing the teacher to tailor lessons specifically to a child's unique learning style and pace. This one-on-one approach enables us to identify and focus on specific areas where the child may struggle, such as phonemic awareness, vocabulary, comprehension, fluency, and address these issues more effectively.

    In individual settings, our reading experts can also create a safe, supportive environment where children feel more comfortable taking risks and making mistakes, which are crucial for learning. This individual attention fosters a deeper student-tutor relationship, leading to increased engagement and motivation in the child.

  • Yes! We will work extremely hard to ensure you have the same teacher each week and a time that meets your family’s busy schedule!

  • Early reading literacy and intervention before entering Kindergarten offer numerous benefits. It sets a strong foundation for academic success by developing basic reading skills such as phonemic awareness, vocabulary, and understanding the alphabetic principle. Early literacy exposure stimulates brain development, particularly in areas associated with language, comprehension, and critical thinking.

    Children who engage in early reading activities often have a better grasp of the fundamentals of reading, making the transition to formal education smoother. It also fosters a positive attitude towards learning and reading, encouraging curiosity and a love for books from a young age.

    Early intervention is particularly beneficial for identifying and addressing any potential learning challenges, such as dyslexia or if your child has already been diagnosed with a Speech or Language delay. Addressing these issues early can significantly improve reading skills and overall academic performance, leading to greater confidence and reduced frustration in the learning process.

  • We offer packages or pay as you go. Packages are for the full commitment. Individual sessions can be discontinued with 7 days notice.

  • READ believes that ALL students can learn and we will meet the individual needs of your child. We have special techniques that are very successful with students ranging in disabilities and ages. We would also encourage you to share your child’s evaluation reports and any IEP goals, notes, so that we can help meet those specific milestones as well.

  • While our reading experts are trained in specialized reading approaches, we are not licensed to diagnose any reading or learning disabilities. Diagnosing disabilities such as dyslexia requires a comprehensive evaluation by a licensed psychologist in educational testing.

    READ can, however, play a crucial role in observing and documenting specific challenges a child may have with reading. They can provide valuable insights and feedback to parents and their classroom teachers (with your consent) about a child's progress and areas of difficulty. This information can be extremely helpful if parents decide to seek a formal evaluation from a qualified professional. If concerns arise during tutoring sessions, we can guide parents on the appropriate next steps, which may include seeking a formal assessment.

  • While our reading tutoring will benefit your child’s overall ability and in turn help with both schoolwork and homework, we do not directly complete homework with your child. We follow a structured curriculum that encompasses the 5 components of literacy to best reach your child’s individual needs. Your child will be reading with us each session so if a reading log is part of your child’s homework plan, you can count on us for that!